Sunday, July 12, 2009

Silence is Golden, or is it?

Hello Everyone! (like there are more than two people who read this blog :) )

This morning I was sitting on the couch reading (me? reading? go figure! haha) and all I could hear was the quiet. No sounds emitting from the direction of the lump on a bed called Kristen (my little sister). No radio playing. Just the gentle hum of electronics and the whoosh of the fan. It was nice for a little while. Then the quiet got to me. Where was the conversation? the melody from a song? the general noise that people make when they move about in a house? or even the white noise of a TV being on? I missed conversation and the friendly noises of life. I can't imagine living alone with only me to break the silence. I would constantly have the radio and/or TV on for company. I always thought that I would be able to handle the silence, that growing up with 7+ people around me at all times would make me want to live alone. Now I know that it has gotten me used to people and the sounds they make. I fear I have been spoiled for the solitary life.

And now to conclude this blog, a picture I took in Japan last summer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You never what you will miss, until it is gone...

A job is a job, but mine is Awesome! I have been unemployed for about 6 months so I think most any job would seem awesome but really, this one is great. At first it was like a vacation. I had plenty of savings to last me for a few months. I was confident I would get a job quickly. Several people assured me they would use their contacts at former jobs to help me get mine. No such luck. After several interviews, many of which were 2nd and 3rd interviews at the same company, nothing. Then, one place where I had interviewed over the phone, called me back. This was a job I felt good about, one I wanted to do (and had the pay I wanted). After two more interviews....JOB OFFER!!!! I was jumping up and down. So happy to finally get a job. I accepted the offer (I am no dummy) then settled in for a long wait, the job didn't start for 2 1/2 weeks!

I have now been working for 2 weeks or so and I LOVE it! It is a job where I can help customers, have a good time and look good while I do it. There are tremendous opportunities to learn (love it!) and time to have fun. Where to I work you ask?

River City Bank in Sacramento in the Call Center. Call me!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Vintage Fun

I am a vintage girl. True, I love all of the modern convinces of the 21st century (but hey, who doesn't!) Deep down inside I am a vintage girl at heart. I love vintage clothes (though there are not much in my size!), vintage furniture, vintage jewelry, vintage toys, vintage music and vintage movies. I listen to (regularly) Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin and 40's-60's music. I own many records and have a collection of 8 Track tapes.

I have my grandmother's bowling ball and her typewriter from the 40's-50's that she took on secretarial jobs. I have been around a few girls that are planning weddings, this is making me consider my wedding, and I think I want to go vintage. I have been searching for vintage wedding dresses to see what options there are. And boy are there options.

I was browsing Google Images for vintage and found this cabinet. LOVE IT! I would definitely place this in my home.

My mom complains that I keep too many things. I collect too much stuff. I believe the phrase "pack rat" was used. However, I make this argument, there will not be many vintage things in the future if there is no one who collects them, I am simply helping our future love vintage.

This red dress is so gorgeous! I want it now, in my size (or the body to fit it, that would suit me better :) )

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Future

I sold a photo last night. It felt good. Granted, it was to my cousin and for cheap but still, I sold a photo that I took. As I pursue my schooling for photography I sometimes wonder what is going to happen when I finish. Am I going to open a business straight off, will I work for another photographer for a while? What is going to happen????? That question consumes my thinking at times. The unknown can be terrifying. It can also be exciting. The possibilities are endless!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Stupid Hummingbird...

I was sitting outside a few minutes ago. Swinging back and forth on our lawn swing I was waiting for the much famed hummingbirds to come and use the new feeder my mom purchased. No such luck. No hummingbirds. While I was patiently waiting for the little bird the ice cream truck could be heard driving by.
Yummm. Ice cream. My favorite is the chocolate and banana bullet (or rocket as it is sometimes called. Now all I want is that ice cream.
I remember flagging down the
ice cream truck while playing outside. One of my friends or siblings would hold the ice cream truck while the rest of us ran helter skelter through the house looking for spare change. Then we would all line up outside the truck, hopping from bare foot to bare foot (usually dripping with water from sprinklers or hoses) while anxiously waiting for our turn to purchase that cool sweet treat. One considerate ice cream man had a door mat attached to a piece of rope. When stopped, he would pull the mat out and throw it on the ground so our bare feet would not be harmed by the scorching heat the asphalt would emit.When we were done he would pull the rope and have the mat retunred to the truck! I can remember that the most wanted ice cream was the ICEE. It was basically a giant otter pop. Oh my siblings wanted that one - usually the red one. I can still taste the Tweety Bird ice cream with bubble gum eyes. What was your favorite ice cream truck ice cream?

Monday, May 25, 2009

To retouch or not to retouch....

There are many differing views on the pros and cons of Photoshop. Many say that it is altering reality, while I do agree with this, one can argue that many film processing techniques or even when the film is being shot is altering reality. There are the film purists who are dragged kicking and screaming into the digital world who use Photoshop to the barest minimum. Then there are those who have embraced Photoshop for all of the many things it can do when in the capable hands of a digital photographer. Which is correct?

I am of the opinion - who cares? If you are a photographer who believes in film all the way and in keeping with the purity then do so. Don't judge others for doing as they want with Photoshop. I believe that it all depends on your art. On what you, as a photographer, deem your art or your business. Whether you are an artist or a business photographer one must make the decision of whether or not to include Photoshop for some or all of your images.

I will agree, however, that the over the top retouching of celebrities and models can be out of hand. I believe this for the simple reason that it affects the self-esteem of young and mature people alike all over the world. The other instance where Photoshop has been abused is jourlanism photography. In a genre depicting an event, Photoshop has no place but for very
minimal exposure and color corrections. When the viewer is expecting an almost exact rendering of the events, the photographer should deliver. There is much controversy about this altering of journalistic images today, and with good reason.

I will say this, it is up to you. If you're submitting a photograph into a contest or for work, adhere to the rules and policies it has regarding the use of Photoshop. Fully disclose that it is the work of Photoshop and problems can be averted.

Me, I LOVE Photoshop. It allows me to take a good photo and make it great. It allows me to remove that unsightly zit from my sisters face. It allows me to easily convert an image to black and white or sepia tone and image. I can mimic film processing techniques in minutes versus hours. Photoshop is a quick diverse program which has almost no limit as to what the program to do. Your only limitation is your imagination.

Just a side note - when photography first became popular the art world did not consider it art. It took many years to be reviewed as an art form. Could not the same be said of Photoshop art?

Here are some of my images I have processed in Photoshop. Enjoy!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sunshine, Swings and Smiles

Today is B-e-a-u-tiful! The sun is shining, the breeze is gentle and cool. I look out my window and see the flowers nodding sagely in the wind. All I need is a hammock to swing in and take a nap (or in my case read a book). This morning I played with my niece and nephew out in the yard. We have a swing hanging from the tree in the front and when Emmelia catches sight the word ringing through the house is "Swing!".

Playing with these children is such a joy. They are well behaved and entertaining. Emmelia would follow Marcus and watch what he was doing.

Of course, the tramploine (which Mela can say in the cutest little baby voice) was the main attraction!

Mela found a a flower for her me.

My mom grows such beautiful flowers. I love taking pictures of these.

Hello Mela! The kids love this play house thing we have had for years.

Marcus kept asking,"Is it my turn to swing?, Emmelia said down. doooowwwwnnnn. See? That is what she said! Is it my turn yet?"

Well, we sure had fun this morning. playing outside is so much fun!

The Beginning

Hello everyone! This is Shutter Release. That split second in a camera that can determine how an image will appear. I have a deep love and passion for photography and as a result my thoughts will often be expressed in photographs. When words fail there is always the visual representation of emotion, of feeling. I will share my photos with you and hope you can get some enjoyment from what I see whenever I open my eyes.
