Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You never what you will miss, until it is gone...

A job is a job, but mine is Awesome! I have been unemployed for about 6 months so I think most any job would seem awesome but really, this one is great. At first it was like a vacation. I had plenty of savings to last me for a few months. I was confident I would get a job quickly. Several people assured me they would use their contacts at former jobs to help me get mine. No such luck. After several interviews, many of which were 2nd and 3rd interviews at the same company, nothing. Then, one place where I had interviewed over the phone, called me back. This was a job I felt good about, one I wanted to do (and had the pay I wanted). After two more interviews....JOB OFFER!!!! I was jumping up and down. So happy to finally get a job. I accepted the offer (I am no dummy) then settled in for a long wait, the job didn't start for 2 1/2 weeks!

I have now been working for 2 weeks or so and I LOVE it! It is a job where I can help customers, have a good time and look good while I do it. There are tremendous opportunities to learn (love it!) and time to have fun. Where to I work you ask?

River City Bank in Sacramento in the Call Center. Call me!

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